
Make 2025 a memorable year for a united, progressive Malaysia

THE past year has brought its share of challenges and triumphs. As a nation, we are navigating through tests of resilience, adaptability, and unity.

We have found strength in our shared Malaysian identity. In the New Year, let us look forward with hope and optimism. Every ending is a new beginning.

Let us embrace the spirit of cooperation, understanding and diversity that characterises our nation.

Let us be catalysts for positive change, advocates for peace, and champions of compassion.

The most urgent task of all Malaysians irrespective of race, religion and political affiliation is to ensure racial and religious harmony and reject all forms of extremism which can undermine inter-racial and inter-religious peace and harmony.

We must never be obsessed with race and religion which will only lead to more divisiveness.

This is time for all level-headed patriotic Malaysians including political leaders to stand up and be counted in furthering the cause of a united Malaysian nation based on the five principles of the Rukun Negara.

This is not the time for anyone to make incendiary statements which are provocative and can lead to conflict and tension with serious consequences affecting peace, harmony and national unity.

As responsible matured politicians, it is their profound duty to work for peace and harmony and refrain from acts of provocation and violence which will result in conflict and chaos.

What Malaysia needs today are sincere ethnic bridge builders and peace ambassador's who can help foster goodwill, mutual respect, peace and harmony.

The time has come for us to identify more bridge builders and emphasise on their crucial role, at this juncture, to break down the serious divide in the larger interest of improving ethnic relations in our country.

Multiracial living and community are part of our history and heritage.

They have become a key source of racial integration for years and have certainly played a part in making Malaysia a harmonious place to live, learn, work and play.

Together, we must create an environment where everyone can thrive, where opportunities are accessible to all, and where our children can look forward to a brighter future.

I encourage all Malaysians to pursue their dreams with passion and determination. Reach out to your neighbours, lend a helping hand, and spread joy and kindness in your daily interactions.

And do the same too for our environment, and our pet animals.

Wishing everybody a Happy New Year 2025.



National Unity Advisory Council

*The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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