
PTPTN delinquent borrowers have no excuse for avoiding obligation

LETTERS: A TOTAL of 1.25 million borrowers from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) are in arrears to the tune of RM11.32 billion (NST, Dec 25).

The figure includes tens of thousands who have yet to make a single payment.

As borrowers transition to the world of employment, ethics and integrity should become the cornerstone of both their professional and personal lives.

Repaying PTPTN loans is not merely a contractual obligation, it also shows a borrower's character and commitment to society.

Avoiding repayment reflects poorly on a borrower's maturity and integrity.

It not only puts the sustainability of the national education fund at risk, but also tarnishes the reputation of borrowers.

Employees who are ethical, accountable and dependable become pillars of their organisations and contribute meaningfully to the nation's economy and social progress.

Employers, too, have a role to play. They can support employees through initiatives such as salary deductions and corporate social responsibility programmes.

It is not as if borrowers are not given solutions and alternative repayment methods.

There are flexible repayment plans, loan restructuring options, and the recently launched 'LESTARIPendidikan' campaign.

The borrowers should reach out to PTPTN and explore payment plans that align with their financial capabilities.


President, Union Network International

Malaysia Labour Centre

*The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times

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