NST Viral

#NSTviral: Husky abused by owner rescued; Vet Department investigating [WATCH]

KUALA LUMPUR: After a video went viral recently of a husky being abused by its owner, animal rescuers rushed to a condominium in Kajang to rescue the dog.

Independent rescuer Shima Aris said she and two others were intent on getting the husky away no matter what.

To their surprise, the owner willingly let go of the dog, she told Free Malaysia Today.

The online portal said the Veterinary Services Department had received several reports on the incident and had forwarded the information to its Selangor office to check on them.

Shima said the rescued husky was now being treated at a private veterinarian clinic.

So far, she said, there are no visible wounds.

She added that the dog was so traumatised and afraid of humans that it would urinate when the rescuers touch it, making it difficult to do a thorough check-up.

The New Straits Times has reached out to Kajang police for comment.

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