
Kedah Umno youth leader urges all parties to reject labelling UiTM as 'apartheid academy'

ALOR STAR: An Umno Youth leader has urged all parties to unite in rejecting the labelling of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) as an "apartheid academy."

Pokok Sena Umno Youth chief Mohd Farhan Ahmad stressed it is crucial to collectively denounce any rhetoric that undermines the unity and harmony of the nation.

"This obligation also extends beyond the unity government, it is important that Perikatan Nasional (PN) as well to join in condemnation and take suitable measures against such divisive statements.

"Our collective duty as members of a civilised society is to vehemently oppose any form of provocation that threatens our societal fabric.

"Now, more than ever, it is crucial to demonstrate our solidarity in upholding the Malaysian Constitution, which endows UiTM with the special mandate to support the Bumiputera education system," he said in a statement today.

Farhan was responding to a column in portal Malaysiakini which criticised the university's student council protest against admitting non-Bumiputera students, labeling it as an 'apartheid academy.'

He said the remarks were not only deeply offensive but also contravene the principles of respect, sensitivity, and unity.

"These are principles that the Madani government has pledged to uphold and that are deeply rooted in our nation's Constitution.

"Any derogatory conduct, mockery, or cynical commentary that infringes upon the principles of race, religion, and royalty must be addressed with utmost seriousness," he added.

Commenting further, Farhan stressed the need for stringent action against those challenging these core values.

"The present moment calls for swift and decisive action to ensure that justice is not perceived as being delayed or denied," he added.

Recent calls were made by several quarters, including the Malaysian Medical Association, for the university to open up its cardiothoracic surgery programme to non-Bumiputeras due to the shortage of specialists in the field.

UiTM is believed to be the only university in the country which offers a parallel pathway training programme in cooperation with the National Heart Institute.

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abd Kadir, however, had said no such discussions have been held regarding the matter at cabinet level.

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