
'Night owl' rider braves early hours to earn income

KLANG: While most people are fast asleep, Muhammad Amir Firdaus Zulalim is one of the many p-hailing riders who willingly venture out in the middle of the night or early in the morning to earn a living.

The story of this 21-year-old has caught attention after he shared a video recounting his experience as a "warrior for the ringgit," who works at night to increase his income.

In the video, which has garnered over 1.8 million views, Amir Firdaus said some people have remarked that he was foolish for working while others are sleeping, but the reality is he still receives orders to be delivered to customers at 4am and during similar hours.

Amir Firdaus, who is from Bukit Kapar, said his work hours are quite flexible, often starting at midnight and finishing by 7am.

"The video was actually for those who often ask me about my job, and some even say I shouldn't go out (to work) because it's too much effort.

"But for me, it all depends on the opportunities and blessings. Instead of staying home unable to sleep, I'd rather use that time to earn money.

"My parents don't mind; they even support me, but they always remind me to be careful when I'm out," he said.

Amir Firdaus is a student, completing his studies in Mechatronics Engineering at the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 3 at the end of this month.

He started working as a p-hailing rider because he wanted to be independent, earn his own pocket money, and gain experience.

"I started working part-time as a p-hailing rider four years ago to earn money on my own so I wouldn't burden my parents, especially since I have a younger sibling still in school.

"I've gained a lot of experience since then, such as being scolded by customers who claimed their food didn't arrive, and I've even been involved in an accident, which made me consider quitting because of the risks.

"But the fun part is feeling the satisfaction of holding my own money and spending it on my younger siblings. Before I started, my older brother and brother-in-law shared their experiences with me. Yes, there are risks, but whether you like it or not, you have to be prepared because this is the job I've chosen," he said.

When asked about his plans, he shared that if given the opportunity, he hopes to continue his studies at GiatMARA.

"But if it's not meant to be, I will continue working as a p-hailing rider for now until I get the chance to further my studies," he said.

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